Mats Johansson, President and CEO of EON Reality, will speak and educate the audience how Virtual Reality can impact Semiconductor Companies around the globe. Global Semiconductor Alliance, host of the Silicon Summit, believes that « formative technology is changing our lives. »


Just as the IoT is driving the expectancy for ubiquitous connectivity and universal access to data, immersive technology is changing our expectations on how we interact with the physical and virtual worlds. According to the study Recent Advances in Virtual Worlds for Science and Technology by Walt Scacchi of the UCI (University of California Irvine), Center For Games and Virtual Worlds, « Virtual worlds are best at providing new experiences. »

Opportunities for semiconductor companies have never been as powerful as they are today. EON Reality’s VR software provides the ability for the user to see the internal structure of a semiconductor, rehabilitation tasks, and endoscopic surgeries among others. EON is committed to educating people with its VR/AR software, by creating custom content for a wide range of clients.
